Pratap Vihar is situated in Ghaziabad, India. Manage your Travel time by accessing Google map of Pratap Vihar at! Checkout Pratap Vihar Road Map for getting driving directions to reach Schools, Bus Stops, Hospitals, Shopping Malls, Restaurants Banks, ATMs & other important Points of Interest. Know more about Pratap Vihar as a locality, read Locality Reviews, View locality Photos, checkout properties for sale/rent & new projects in Pratap Vihar, Ghaziabad. Pratap Vihar receives a healthy demand for residential properties due to the availability of quality housing in all budget categories. Investors get a host of options to choose from gated communities to villas and high-end apartments.
About Property
Creative homes is loaded with all the amenities to provide home seekers a healthy lifestyle. The locality on which these beautiful residencies rest on is known for its excellent housing and brilliant surroundings. The harmonious surroundings of this locale make the residents feel cushy and joyful. The amenities come in handy and assist the people living here to make their work easier and convenient. The homes are fully furnished and ensure a positive aura for the residents. Each apartment has been carefully crafted for maximum utility and to provide open space and ample natural light. This meticulously planned Rattan Homes 6 is sure to capture the imagination of the people.